Character Illustration & Art Direction

I'm a London based illustrator, character designer and art director with over 20 years experience creating for animation, interactive and print for a huge range of clients, big and small. I create characterful, engaging imagery with an emphasis on humour.
Dartford Childrens Hospital
Illustration and Art Direction

An identity and interior design theme for the children's services department at Darent Valley Hospital. The artwork needed to represent the local area and it's population in a fun and welcoming way aswell a being sympathetic and unpatronising to the adult services at the same site. Towering pylons, an iconic viaduct and the Dartford crossing all made it into the reception mural along with the distinctive shapes of the hospital itself.

Teach Your Monster: Number Skills
Design and Art Direction
As art director and lead designer on Teach Your Monster Number Skills I create monsters, magical creatures and living theme park rides that help your little monsters to learn maths skills in a fun and rewarding way. This is an ongoing project with Teach Your Monster Ltd and the Usborne Foundation who have a suite of other monster themed games for early learners. You can play TYM Number Skills and all their other games free at www.teachyourmonster.org

The Tote
Design and Art Direction
I had a lot of fun designing this spot for The Tote using their new '+' branding as a starting point. It was interesting working out how to create the characters and scenes using simple, repeated geometry and clean lines. Produced by Kong Studio in lovely E17. Watch the animation below.

M&S Food Sponsors BGT
Character Design
This isn't just food, it's talking food...with faces...designed by me and produced by Nexus studios London.

Google Davos
Character Design & Art Direction
Google's presence at the Davos World Economic Forum 2019 was this interactive international Train Station. I designed Sam, the storytelling station master, and led the team designing the ticket booth and a host of other characters and sets.

Hackney Brewery
Branding & Packaging
Beer with nice flavours and pictures of things, these are two of my favourite things. The guys at Hackney Brewery were looking for a different approach to labelling their bottled beers and asked me to do a series of labels for their feature beers.

Oxfam Clothing Recycling
A little piece about the Oxfam clothing recycling bank.

Editorial Illustration
Accompanying illustration to an article about cognitive marketing

Mind Mates
Character Design
Mind mate is an NHS initiative to address mental illness in young people. I designed these characters as avatars and inhabitants of their online world.
See the project yourself at:
HTC Selfies
Animated infographic
HTC were launching a new phone with the worlds highest resolution front facing camera. I designed a scrolling infographic about selfies to celebrate the launch on their social media.
As the user scrolls down the infographic the characters hands follow taking selfies as they go.

If I Were
Illustration for the CIA Illustrators calendar on the theme of 'if I were...".

Virgin Media- Underground
Character Design
For the Launch of Virgin Media
Wifi on the London Underground they produced a series of animations explaining how to use the service. These are the characters I created as a cross section of London Underground Users.
Keep On
Keepin' On.
Character Design
You might recognise the end result of this development project from a longrunning TV Ad campaign.

Matt Oxborrow... Or Matt Ox for short. London based Illustrator, Art Director, Character Designer.
| Tel: +44 07952 539 269